Essential for equine practice

Weidemann tele wheel loader 2070LPT in use

In the veterinary practice for horses in Delbrück in Westphalia, a Weidemann 2070LPT is responsible for the heavy work involved with taking care of ill and injured horses.

The equine practice of Dr. med. vet. Jürgen Mathea and Dr. med. vet. Torben Latki is a renowned address for horse owners whose four-legged friends are unwell. The practical focus of the renowned specialist veterinarians is particularly in the fields of surgery, internal medicine, orthopedics, dentistry, gynecology and laboratory work. A total of 15 employees, 7 of whom are veterinarians, are there for their patients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

A Weidemann 2070LPT for the heavy work.

With so much work related to horses, someone has to be responsible for the heavy duty work too: Cleaning out, littering, sweeping the yard. It is precisely these tasks that are being performed by a Weidemann 2070LPT since mid-2017. Lutz Zbieranek is an assistant in the practice and a certified farrier. He is the main user of the Weidemann and keeps an eye on the machine to make sure it is always ready for use. “If it is operated by too many people, no one is responsible for any eventual damage“, the farrier says, explaining a circumstance that every machine owner has probably experienced at one time or another. Apart from him, the neighbor, who also keeps horses, also drives the machine from time to time.

Gruppenbild, Personen mit Maschine

The early bird...

To ensure that there is no disruption to practice operations, most of the work involving the Weidemann is done before morning surgery. For Lutz Zbieranek and the practice team, that means the working day starts at 6 a.m. The first job of the day is to muck out the stalls, the enclosure is then cleaned, open areas are swept and finally straw and pallets full of bedding are laid. When the first patients arrive at 9 a.m., everything must be finished.

Quality and speedy service.

In the early days, the equine practice, established in 1999 by Jürgen Mathea, owned a Weidemann 1370. The machine was small and manoeuvrable enough to be able to drive into stalls for mucking out. However, it was later replaced by a larger wheel loader with a telescopic arm to enable straw bales to be stacked high. Since 2017, the Weidemann 2070LPT has been used as a stable and practice assistant. “Quite simply, we were impressed with the quality of Weidemann machines and the excellent service availability provided by the local distributor Neukirch Landmaschinen, just 5 km away,” said Lutz Zbieranek.