Horse lovers find a paradise with the Teitscheids – right in the middle of Düsseldorf

Weidemann 1160 eHoftrac im Einsatz

All of a sudden, the big city jungle cleared up – between residential homes and industry, the view of the meadows and fields of the large riding complex Teitscheid opens up. The Teitscheid family operates the horse farm in the middle of the Düsseldorf Itter district.

The agricultural operation has been family-owned since 1703 and has been home to horses for over 40 years. Weidemann machines have long been part of the operation. In 1972, an acquaintance of Theo Teitscheid asked during a rider’s meeting whether he could bring his horse to be boarded at Theo’s farm. Word spread quickly and more and more horses gradually came. And so the farmer gradually converted the operation to a horse boarding facility. In 1984, the last cattle then left the farm. Today, 60 horses and ponies call the grounds in the Rheinschleife (“Rhine loop”) home.

Weidemann Teleskopradlader 2070LPT im Einsatz

The focus of operation shifted, but the work remained.

Today, the farm still manages 74 hectares of green and arable land in Düsseldorf. In addition, the family owns large areas of forest and arable land in northern Hesse. "Only a lot has changed on the farmstead", explains today’s plant manager Paul Teitscheid. The Teitscheids looked for the right technology for the work in the stables. "We first had a farm loader from another brand, but had to replace the machine after a short time". Then the technologically excited horse-keeper came upon Weidemann in 2001. "We are absolutely satisfied with the reliability and durability of the machines", emphasises Paul Teitscheid. He currently uses the telescopic wheel loader 2070LPT for the heavy work, such as stacking the hay bales or mucking out manure. For all other work on the farm, he had replaced his old 1240LP with a new 1160 eHoftrac about a year ago.

Weidemann 1160 eHoftrac im Einsatz

Low-noise and exhaust free with the 1160 eHoftrac.

Working quietly was a particular reason for the replacement. "Everything is much quieter. I can also now use the machines on the weekend without disturbing the neighbours". This aspect plays an important role due to the dense number of residential homes nearby. The communication with one another during work is also much better now, because all those involved can talk in a quiet tone and do not have to fight with the engine noise.

Weidemann 1160 eHoftrac im Einsatz

The horse professional talks about the time of getting used to the 1160 eHoftrac on the Teitscheid farm: "The first few days the horses would get scared when all of a sudden a machine was behind them. Then they got used to it". Today, those having their horses boarded here as well as the riders are in particular excited about the quiet and emission-free machine, which does not disturb them when riding and conversing. It was also noticeable with the topic of exhaust fumes: the exhaust fume pollution has become much less. "When I bring a bucket full of manure to the manure pile today with the 2070LPT, the girls ask me whether I really have to take the ‘stinker’", says Paul Teitscheid laughing.

The 1160 eHoftrac is used at the Teitscheid farm above all for sweeping, mucking out, for screeding the riding hall and for transporting for natural breeding. In addition, Paul Teitscheid has quickly converted a round bale wrapper into a “trash bin turning device”. There are trash bins everywhere on the farm in which the horse droppings are collected. So everyone can help to keep the farm clean. He can then easily pick up the bins with the 1160 eHoftrac and his trash bin turning device and tip them into the collection container.

All in all, the Teitscheid family is very satisfied with the 1160 eHoftrac. The expectations have been met, the battery runtime is right for the work volume and the riders love the quiet and noise-free Weidemann very much.