25 Years of Weidemann at Fishery Wagner.

The fishery business and fishing grounds Wagner, consists of 12 ha lakes and is principally managed by the owner Boris Wagner.
For 17 years already, the main site of his fishery is in the North-Hessian Goddelsheim. His assets primarily include trout and carp fish, but also protected-species fish that are on the red list. Alongside the fishery, there is an affiliated fishing grounds, which can be used by groups or individuals. In the winter months, from the beginning of January to the end of April (depending on the weather), the regionally well-known ice-fishing takes place. Alongside the set-up in Goddelsheim with its own farm shop, there are two other facilities in Vöhl and Herzhausen at the Edersee. In Vöhl there is a hatchery which is made up of ten pools. In Herzhausen Boris Wagner operates a hatchery for fry.

A Hoftrac 1770 for loading fish.
For 25 years now, Boris Wagner has worked in fish farming and from the start he has carried out the daily arising work with his now second Weidemann, a 1770 from 2012. The most important attachments for Boris Wagner are the weighing and loading containers and the cutter bar for mowing the lake edges. Other than this, he also has a pallet fork and a lightweight bucket. With the weighing and loading container, he complete different, important tasks: He uses it as a moving feed kitchen and transports the special feed for the different fish with the Weidemann. The feed must always be adapted to the ambient temperature so that he can adapt the feed volume with the scales of the cradle tub depending on the temperature.
The main task for the Weidemann is however, loading fish. This is how the parents are moved using the Weidemann from one of the six kilometre long rivers to breed. The fish are subsequently returned. There is a lock on the cradle tub with which the fish can be effortlessly loaded and subsequently transported. ”For 25 years I have been driving a Weidemann and I am very happy with it. For that reason I would like to buy another Weidemann wheel loader for my Herzhausen site”, Boris Wagner explains. The most important feature of the new Weidemann should be a long boom with which he can load the lorries collecting the fish.
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