Engine manufacturer | Kohler |
Motor type | KDI 2504 TCR |
Cylinder | 4 |
Drive output | 55,4 kW 55,4 kW |
Drive output | 74,3 HP 75 PS |
At max. rpm | 2.300 rpm 2.300 U/min |
Maximum torque | 315 Nm |
Cylinder capacity | 151,46 in³ 2.482 cm³ |
Type of coolant | Wasser |
Exhaust standard level | V |
Exhaust aftertreatment | DOC/DPF |
Operating voltage | 12 V |
Battery | 100 Ah |
Alternator | 120 A |
Operating weight | 12.787 - 13.448 lb 5.800 - 6.100 kg |
Thrust force (max.) | 4.070 daN |
Lift capacity (max.) | 4.645 daN |
Tipping load with bucket – machine straight, loading frame horizontal | 7.826 - 8.157 lb 3.550 - 3.700 kg |
Tipping load with bucket – machine pivoted, loading frame horizontal | 6.834 - 7.121 lb 3.100 - 3.230 kg |
Tipping load with bucket – machine straight (extended) | 4.370 - 4.579 lb 1.982 - 2.077 kg |
Tipping load with bucket – machine pivoted (extended) | 3.772 - 3.957 lb 1.711 - 1.795 kg |
Tipping load with bucket - machine straight, loading frame in lowest position | 10.463 - 10.878 lb 4.746 - 4.934 kg |
Tipping load with bucket - machine pivoted, loading frame in lowest position | 9.151 - 9.520 lb 4.151 - 4.318 kg |
Tipping load with pallet fork – machine straight, loading frame horizontal | 7.231 - 7.518 lb 3.280 - 3.410 kg |
Tipping load with pallet fork – machine pivoted, loading frame horizontal | 6.349 - 6.592 lb 2.880 - 2.990 kg |
Tipping load with pallet fork – machine straight (extended) | 4.372 - 4.564 lb 1.983 - 2.070 kg |
Tipping load with pallet fork – machine pivoted (extended) | 3.823 - 3.993 lb 1.734 - 1.811 kg |
Tipping load with pallet fork - machine straight, transport position | 8.580 - 8.907 lb 3.892 - 4.040 kg |
Tipping load with pallet fork - machine pivoted, transport position | 7.540 - 7.833 lb 3.420 - 3.553 kg |
Driver's cab | Kabine |
Tank capacity for fuel | 21,13 US gal 80 l |
Tank capacity for hydraulic oil | 8,45 US gal 32 l |
Type of drive | ecDrive (Electronic Controlled Drive) |
Drive unit | hydrostatisch über Verteilergetriebe und Gelenkwelle |
Speed levels | 2 |
Axle | PA 1422 |
Travel speed Standard | 0-12.43 mph 0-20 km/h |
Travel speed Option 1 | 0-18.64 mph 0-30 km/h |
Operating brake | Scheibenbremse (Option: Lamellenbremse) |
Parking brake | Scheibenbremse (Option: Lamellenbremse) |
Differential lock | 100% Vorderachse + Hinterachse |
Drive hydraulics working pressure (max.) | 7,252 psi 500 bar |
Work hydraulics discharge volume (max.) | 21.59 (25.52) gpm 81,7 (96,6) l/min |
Work hydraulics working pressure (max.) | 3,408 psi 235 bar |
Kinematics type | Teleskoparm (Z-Kinematik) |
Lifting cylinder | 1 |
Tipping cylinder | 1 |
Quick change system | hydraulisch |
Steering type | Hydraulische Knick-Pendellenkung |
Steering cylinder | 1 |
Oscillating angle | ± 10 Grad |
Average sound power level LwA (cabin) | 99,8 dB(A) |
Guaranteed sound power level LwA (cabin) | 101 dB(A) |
Specified sound pressure level LpA (cabin) | 71 dB(A) |
DPF = Dieselpartikelfilter DOC = Dieseloxidationskatalysator SCR = Selektive katalytische Reduktion Kipplastberechnung nach ISO 14397 |