Somewhat different dimensions at the Windbeutelbaron.

Windbeutel und Kaffee

The hotel “Graflhöhe Windbeutelbaron” is situated at 1000 m above sea level on the Obersalzberg in the idyllic Berchtesgadener Land.

As the name suggests, the family business specialises in making giant cream puffs. The speciality of the cream puffs is the “original recipe from Berlin”. More than 40 years ago, a master confectioner from Berlin, who was closely connected to the hotel, inherited the extraordinary recipe to the grandfather of the current managing director Hans Ebner. Till date, this recipe is a secret; Hans Ebner is the only one who makes the giant puffs. Windbeutelbaron is equally popular among locals and tourists and is loved by them. In summer, it is not uncommon that up to 600 guests enjoy the giant puff and the breath-taking alpine panorama. In addition to the daily activities, there are also regular evening events, which many guests enjoy.

Weidemann Hoftrac 1280 im Einsatz

Continuous use in “Winter Wonderland”.

In order to cope with the ever-increasing logistical effort, in 2015, the decision was made to opt for a compact Hoftrac 1280. This makes daily work much easier. The 1280 transports event equipment from the storage facility to the hotel, transports the waste, food deliveries from the car park to the inn and maintains the adjacent visitor trails. In the last winter, when there was a snow fall of more than 2 m, the Hoftrac was in continuous use. In January, Hans Ebner had used Weidemann for 90 operating hours just to clear the snow. “I am very happy that we got the 1280 with cab. This makes the winter applications with the machine really very pleasant”, affirmed Hans Ebner. The snow mountains were partly so high that the oscillating suspension unit could not empty out the snow on the snow heaps at maximum height.

Rescue efforts with the 1280.

The idea for a helper at the hotel came up at the “„Alles für den Gast” trade fair in Salzburg. Then the family used Internet to find out about possible manufacturers. “The decisive factor for purchasing Weidemann was the good advice and support from our dealer Steinmassl in Petting. That convinced us”, emphasised Hans Ebner. The machine is also a welcome helper even outside the hotel. Therefore, the 1280 is often used to provide neighbourly help, or it is called to rescue missions. “During the summer season it can happen that hikers injure themselves and can no longer walk. The hiking trails are very narrow; therefore, we are often called with our Weidemann to drive them off and to search for injured persons”, explained the restaurateur. The family does not want to go without the Weidemann: “We are totally satisfied with the 1280. We would buy another Weidemann at any time”, explained Hans Ebner enthusiastically.