In Wolfsburg, people move with Weidemann

Weidemann Hoftrac 1280 im Einsatz

Flexible use, fast response times and clean work – these are important aspects when working for the Wolfsburg municipality's "GREEN" division. However, this could not be achieved adequately with the existing machinery. Accordingly, a decision was taken in 2013 to procure three Weidemann 1280s. The machines were spread over the West and East divisions, as well as the North cemetery.

"GREEN" division, West sector:
In the west of Wolfsburg, Frank Wagner is responsible for 45 employees and an extensive vehicle fleet. A Weidemann 1280 is also included. Frank Wagner was already familiar with the Weidemann brand name. Often enough, he uses his nephew's 1280 privately as a horse owner and was extremely happy when he received approval for a Hoftrac for the Parks Department. The Weidemann is used mainly for loading tasks: Loading chippings in winter; wood, branches, green waste and leaves in summer and autumn. "For its size, the Weidemann is fairly powerful and therefore we sometimes overload it a bit", explains Frank Wagner. For heavier operations, the machine also transports items on a trailer to the place of us.

"GREEN" division, East sector:
On the eastern depot in Wolfsburg, Uwe Teichmann with his team of around 45 is responsible for keeping the town clean and tidy. Inter alia, this also includes the park around the Allersee, a local recreation area. As the depot is immediately adjacent to the park, the Weidemann 1280 is often used here. "There are many points that we would certainly be unable to reach with a large wheeled loader or tractor", explains deputy depot manager Andreas Schäfer, "often, for example, the branches on the trees are hanging too low." The Weidemann is also used if half-standard benches and dustbins, which have a base, are installed or replaced. "Formerly, we had to dig out a base by hand - now we have a Weidemann", explains Marcel Reischke, one of the drivers. In other fields, the Hoftrac is used for a variety of loading and transport tasks in the depot and in the soil store. "In particular in the soil store, where we have only a limited storage capacity, the Hoftrac is an enormous help to us", according to Andreas Schäfer, as the trucks simply tip their loads and the quick loader then has to take over the telescoping, lifting and stacking. "We are delighted to have it", confirms Uwe Teichmann, cleaning division manager, as well.

Weidemann Hoftrac 1280 im Einsatz

"GREEN" division, cemeteries section:
At the northern cemetery in Wolfsburg, covering 28 hectares, one of 23 municipal cemeteries, the Weidemann 1280 is used every day. In addition to maintaining green spaces, work on tree pits and transport for paving tasks, the Weidemann is also used in training. Training young cemetery gardeners and workers in garden construction is a major headache for Bernd Werthmann, the manager of the cemeteries section. This is how 6 trainees receive their practical training at the northern cemetery. In order to design the training so that it is as diversified as possible, the prospective cemetery garners also have to take part in competitions. "This is unusual for an urban concern", explains Bernd Werthmann. The people of Wolfsburg are also highly successful: for example, one trainee this year, thanks to his very good performance in training, qualified for the German Cemetery Gardeners' Championships. Not least thanks to sound preparation in the section, in which the Weidemann 1280 also has to be driven by the trainees. Other than the depot's green space maintenance task, the cemetery in Wolfsburg is financed from its fee income and therefore has to act in a particularly commercial manner. There are also independent administration and accounting resources. Accordingly, it was also Bernd Werthmann, who was the first to want a cemetery loader for the attendant work.